Our highly skilled health professionals have extensive experience of undertaking immediate needs assessments (INA) under the Rehabilitation Code 2015.  The need for and type of rehabilitation assistance will be considered by means of this assessment and detailed a in robust report, which details the costs of the support and services required to maximise the injured person’s functional capacity.

Our professionals carry out assessments in the injured person’s home, hospital, or other suitable environment, dependent on the individual’s needs.  They will fully assess the nature of their injuries from a physical, psychological, cognitive, and emotional perspective, helping to accurately determine their immediate needs for rehabilitation.  This may include appropriate treatment, care, equipment/adaptations, and accommodation.   It will also include a structured plan through the completion of standardised assessment and individualised goal setting, to ensure that any input recommended can be measured to determine clinical effectiveness. 

Our referral process:

  • Enquires can be made via email, telephone or through the website via our contact page
  • The injured person’s needs will be reviewed, and suitable case managers will be proposed based on expertise of injury type, clinical experience, capacity, geographical location, and overall fit for the injured party. You will be provided with CVs, together with a quote, and terms of business within 48 hours.
  • Should further discussion be necessary to ensure that most appropriate clinician is appointed, you will have the opportunity to discuss further with our managing director. There are also options for arranging a ‘Meet and Greet’ for your client and this can be reviewed on a case by case basis.
  • Once a case manager has been agreed, they will make telephone contact with the injured person within 2 working days to arrange an initial appointment.
  • The injured person and / or suitable representative will be sent information about LMC Case Management to ensure that they fully understand the INA process. They will also be provided with a consent form in order for them to agree to release of appropriate medical information and sharing of information with appropriate parties, both as part of the INA process and any further case management interventions, should this be authorised.
  • The case manager will then visit the injured person within 10 working days to undertake the assessment.
  • The report, inclusive of outcome measures, predications, and costs, is prepared and sent out to the referring parties, within 10 working days of the assessment. These timescales are flexible, and should an urgent request be made it would be recommended that this is discussed and agreed as part of the referral enquiry.
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